Utah Knife Laws

Jack Moore

Looking to exercise your freedom to carry and own a variety of knives in Utah? You’ll want to get familiar with the state’s knife laws.

From butterfly knives to automatic knives, Utah’s laws allow for the possession and carrying of many types of blades.

But keep in mind, certain individuals are restricted from owning knives under 76-10-503.

And while the state holds the authority to regulate knives, municipalities can’t impose their own rules without specific authorization.

Understanding Utah’s knife laws means being informed about what’s allowed and what’s not, so you can enjoy your freedom while staying within the legal boundaries.

Key Takeaways

  • Utah allows individuals to own and carry a wide range of knives, including butterfly knives, dirks, daggers, stilettos, bowie knives, automatic knives, gravity knives, switchblades, and disguised knives.
  • Certain types of knives, such as switchblades, automatic knives, and disguised knives, are prohibited in Utah.
  • Individuals with violent felony convictions or domestic violence offenses are restricted from owning prohibited knives.
  • Possession of dangerous weapons, including certain knives, on school premises is strictly prohibited.

Types of Legal Knives in Utah

When carrying legal knives in Utah, you should be aware of the types that are permitted under state law. Utah knife laws allow for the possession and carrying of various types of knives, including butterfly knives, dirks, daggers, stilettos, bowie knives, automatic knives, gravity knives, switchblades, and disguised knives. Additionally, gimlet, clasp knife, and jack knife are also considered legal knives in Utah.

It’s important to note that federal restrictions may apply to certain types of knives, so it’s advisable to be informed about any applicable federal regulations. However, in general, individuals in Utah have the freedom to own and carry a wide range of knives without encountering legal issues.

Understanding the specific types of knives permitted under Utah law ensures that you can exercise your rights while staying compliant with state regulations.

Prohibited Knife Types

You can’t legally possess switchblades, automatic knives, or disguised knives in Utah. The state laws prohibit the possession of these dangerous weapons. Additionally, certain persons, such as those with violent felony convictions or domestic violence offenses, are restricted from owning these knives.

It’s important to note that possession of dangerous weapons, including specific types of knives, on school premises is strictly prohibited. Moreover, special districts in Utah aren’t authorized to enforce regulations or rules pertaining to knives without specific authorization by the Legislature.

Lastly, swords and machetes are also classified as dangerous weapons, with restrictions on their possession and use in certain locations. Stay informed about the regulations surrounding dangerous weapons to ensure you stay within the legal boundaries.

Age Restrictions for Knife Ownership

Age restrictions for knife ownership in Utah aren’t explicitly specified in state laws, with the provided information lacking specific details regarding age limitations for possession.

Utah knife laws don’t specifically outline age restrictions for owning or carrying knives. This absence of explicit age constraints aligns with the state’s emphasis on individual freedoms.

While Utah Code § 76-10-503 prohibits certain individuals from owning or possessing dangerous weapons, including swords and machetes, it doesn’t mention age restrictions.

It’s important to note that minors may be subject to age restrictions when using dangerous weapons, as indicated by criminal charges related to their possession. However, the specific age limitations for owning knives in Utah remain unspecified, allowing for individual responsibility and freedom in knife ownership within the state.

Concealed Carry Laws for Knives

Without specific restrictions on age for owning or carrying knives, individuals in Utah can also conceal carry knives under the state’s laws. When it comes to concealed carry laws for knives in Utah, you’ll find a few important things to keep in mind:

  • No permit is required for concealed carry of knives, allowing for ease of carrying.
  • You can carry any type of knife concealed, providing a wide range of options for personal protection.
  • The state’s laws regarding knives prioritize individual freedom, allowing you to carry concealed knives without unnecessary restrictions.
  • Concealed carry of knives can provide a sense of security and preparedness in various situations.
  • Being aware of specific prohibited locations for concealed carry of knives is crucial to avoid legal issues.

Utah’s concealed carry laws for knives reflect the state’s commitment to individual liberties and personal protection.

Knife Possession on School Grounds

When carrying a knife on school grounds in Utah, it’s important to always be mindful of the legal restrictions and exceptions in place.

Utah knife laws prohibit the possession of any dangerous weapon, firearm, or short barreled shotgun on or about school premises, including elementary or secondary schools, institutions of higher education, and buildings where preschool or child care is being held.

Violation of these laws constitutes a class B misdemeanor for possession of a dangerous weapon and a class A misdemeanor for possession of a firearm or short barreled shotgun.

However, there are exceptions to this prohibition, including authorized possession under specific statutes, approval by the responsible school administrator, and possession for lawful activities.

It’s essential to understand these regulations to ensure compliance and avoid legal repercussions when carrying a knife on school grounds.

Moving on to the next section, let’s delve into the regulations regarding knife possession in state parks and federal buildings.

Knife Laws in State Parks and Federal Buildings

When visiting state parks, be aware of specific regulations regarding the possession and carrying of knives. Understanding these regulations is essential to avoid potential legal issues while visiting these locations.

Similarly, federal buildings impose restrictions on the types of knives allowed on the premises. It is important to be familiar with these regulations in order to comply with the rules and avoid any legal consequences.

State Park Regulations

When visiting state parks and federal buildings in Utah, you can carry knives, but it’s important to be aware of specific regulations and restrictions regarding their possession and use. The State of Utah has established guidelines to ensure safety and freedom for knife carrying in these areas.

Here are some important points to consider:

  • Knives with blades longer than 3.5 inches are prohibited in state parks and federal buildings.
  • It’s important to check for any specific signage or information regarding knife regulations at the entrance of state parks and federal buildings.
  • Certain types of knives, such as switchblades or automatic knives, may be restricted in state parks and federal buildings.
  • Always be mindful of other visitors and the environment when carrying a knife in state parks and federal buildings.
  • Any violation of state park regulations regarding knives may result in penalties or legal consequences.

Federal Building Restrictions

You can carry knives in federal buildings and state parks in Utah, but restrictions apply to the blade length and certain types of knives. When it comes to federal building restrictions, it’s important to note that federal regulations may impose specific limitations on the types of knives that can be carried within federal buildings. Additionally, blade length restrictions may apply, so it’s crucial to be aware of these regulations before entering federal buildings.

Similarly, in state parks, while knives are generally permitted, there may be specific rules regarding blade length and permissible knife types. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the regulations in place for each specific location to ensure compliance with Utah knife laws. Understanding and adhering to these restrictions will help you avoid potential legal issues while enjoying the freedom to carry knives in Utah’s federal buildings and state parks.

As for penalties for knife law violations…

Penalties for Knife Law Violations

If you’re found violating Utah knife laws, you could face significant penalties. Utah takes knife laws seriously, and it’s important to be aware of the potential penalties for violating these laws.

The penalties for knife law violations in Utah are as follows:

  • Possession of a dangerous weapon on school premises is a class B misdemeanor.
  • Possession of a firearm or short barreled shotgun on school premises is a class A misdemeanor.

Certain persons, such as those convicted of violent felonies, are restricted from possessing dangerous weapons. Exceptions to possession restrictions are limited and don’t include theft or fraud-related offenses.

  • Possession of a deadly weapon with criminal intent is a serious criminal charge that can result in severe consequences.

Self-Defense Laws Relating to Knives

Understanding the self-defense laws related to knives in Utah is essential for legally protecting yourself in dangerous situations. Utah allows individuals to use knives for self-defense, but there are specific laws governing their use. You have the right to defend yourself with a knife if you believe you’re in imminent danger of harm or death. However, it’s crucial to understand the legal limitations on the use of force, including the use of deadly force, in self-defense situations.

Utah follows the principle of ‘stand your ground,’ which means you have no duty to retreat before using force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it’s necessary to prevent death, serious bodily injury, or a forcible felony. Familiarizing yourself with these self-defense laws relating to knives in Utah is crucial for protecting your rights and safety.

To better understand these laws and your rights, it’s important to explore available resources for understanding Utah knife laws.

Resources for Understanding Utah Knife Laws

If you’re looking to understand Utah knife laws, it’s essential to grasp the regulations surrounding knife possession, concealed carry laws, and age restrictions. These points will provide you with a foundational understanding of the legal parameters regarding knives in Utah.

Let’s explore each of these key points to ensure you’re well-informed on the relevant laws and regulations.

Knife Possession Regulations

You can find resources for understanding Utah knife possession regulations on the official website of the Utah State Legislature. When it comes to knife possession regulations in Utah, it’s important to stay informed. Here are some key points to consider when understanding Utah knife laws:

  • The state allows ownership and carrying of various types of knives, including butterfly knives, dirks, daggers, stilettos, bowie knives, automatic knives, gravity knives, switchblades, and disguised knives.
  • Municipalities can’t enforce ordinances or regulations pertaining to knives unless specifically authorized by the Legislature.
  • County ordinances related to knives can’t impose penalties more severe than state penalties.
  • Certain exceptions to the possession restrictions apply, including convictions or adjudications related to antitrust violations, unfair trade practices, restraint of trade, or similar non-theft or non-fraud offenses.
  • It’s important to review and understand the specific knife possession regulations to ensure compliance with Utah knife laws.

Concealed Carry Laws

Where can you obtain information on the regulations for concealed carry of knives under Utah law?

Utah’s concealed carry laws regarding knives can be found in the Utah State Code, specifically in Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, which addresses dangerous weapons. According to Utah knife laws, there are no specific statutes that prohibit the concealed carry of knives, as long as the individual isn’t a restricted person as defined in 76-10-503.

However, it’s important to remember that while the state allows for the concealed carry of knives, certain locations, such as school premises, may have specific restrictions.

Always be aware of your surroundings and any additional regulations that may apply to the areas you frequent. Stay informed, exercise your rights responsibly, and prioritize safety when carrying a concealed knife in Utah.

Age Restrictions for Knives

Understanding Utah’s knife laws includes knowing the age restrictions for owning and carrying specific types of knives. In Utah, age restrictions for knives are important to consider, and it’s crucial to be informed about the following:

  • Minors are prohibited from carrying dangerous weapons, including swords and machetes, without proper authorization or supervision.
  • Authorized possessors under specific statutes may be exempt from age restrictions.
  • Approval by responsible school administrators can allow minors to possess knives despite age restrictions.
  • Parents can face criminal charges if they knowingly allow their minor child to possess a dangerous weapon without authorization.
  • Seek legal assistance from experienced criminal defense lawyers if facing charges related to the possession or use of dangerous weapons, including knives, in Utah.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Size Knife Is Illegal to Carry Around?

Carrying a knife over a certain size may be illegal in some areas. Check local laws to ensure you’re within legal limits. Be aware of restricted zones, like airports and government buildings, where carrying large knives is prohibited.

What State Has the Strictest Knife Laws?

California has the strictest knife laws in the U.S. They prohibit the carry of various types of knives, including switchblades and certain fixed-blade knives. Some cities also have additional restrictions on knife possession.

What States Can You Have a Gravity Knife?

Looking to have a gravity knife? Utah allows it, and you’re in luck – residents can possess and carry gravity knives, along with other types of knives like switchblades and butterfly knives.

Can You Bring a Knife to School in Utah?

Yes, you can bring a knife to school in Utah, but there are specific regulations and exceptions to consider. It’s important to understand the laws and ensure that you are in compliance.


Understanding Utah’s unique knife laws is crucial for residents and visitors alike. With a wide range of legal knives allowed, but strict regulations on prohibited types, it’s important to stay informed.

Remember, the penalties for violating knife laws in Utah aren’t to be taken lightly. So, stay sharp and stay safe by staying up to date on all the regulations and resources available to you.

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